Wonderful, thank you Ali for the inspiring ideas. I often find re-positioning furnishings energises me to do bigger projects which I've been stalling on too.
I've just braced my husband for the fact I want to remove all the books in the dining room shelves when it becomes the snug - can't wait to see the space anew!
Wonderful, thank you Ali for the inspiring ideas. I often find re-positioning furnishings energises me to do bigger projects which I've been stalling on too.
All the very best for a happy year ahead.
Thank you so much Ginny. I totally agree re projects - small changes can get your head back in the game again. Wishing you a great year too x
I've just braced my husband for the fact I want to remove all the books in the dining room shelves when it becomes the snug - can't wait to see the space anew!
That’s exciting! My husband always groans when the book moves happen too! Good luck x x
Happy New Year! Love your inspiration for refreshing the home, especially as everything feels a bit bare and cold after Christmas
Thanks so much Holly. Missing the Christmas sparkle too!
These are wonderful and inspiring suggestions! Thank you!
Happy new year Ali. Some wonderfully free ideas there. X