My letter to you this week is a short one. Short but probably one of the most profound and important lessons I have learnt so far in life. You are the creator of your own reality.
It seems so obvious, when you look back at the times you felt the universe was against you, leaving you upset and recoiling from events, people or failures. And what so many of us are unable to see - me included at times, is that when things happen that go against our planned expectations, we think the world is against us and we lose all our positive energy, in favour of doom and gloom, and loss of self-belief.
The reality of these experiences, is that each not so great experience is actually making us richer and simply teaching us a lesson that there is another way. If from a bad experience you choose a way forward that brings with it love not anger - then you enter a new realm - moving forward, in charge of the creation of your own reality.
So what am I trying to say….
Well in life there are two types of people - those who live in fear, afraid of who they are, what other people think, uncertain each day of their surroundings, their choices, and at odds with all notions of positivity. And then there are those who choose to live positively and to love.
When you choose FEAR as your dominant trait, you become what you experience or play out, and you attract similar people who reinforce and embellish that negative state of mind. And project those fears onto others.
When you choose LOVE as your dominant force, you attract a similar like minded tribe, and both on your own, and as a cumulative group you put positive energy in motion. And the more positive energy you put out into the world the greater your power to turn happy, driven energy into physical ideas and positive experiences.
Fear repels love, love gets dampened by fear. But whichever energy path you choose, you set in motion, a mass of emotion, and send it out into the world forever. Surround yourself with negative people, and that energy vibe is palpable. Surround yourself with people who choose love, and the alchemy of change is powerful. It’s the same with how we speak to ourselves. If you sit in your room thinking dark and fearful thoughts all day you will never step out of ‘I want to be/do’, into ‘I am/I can.’
Fill your head with love, kind thoughts and dreams and you will start to realise the potential of who you are and create your own path, free from the shackles of FEAR. It’s why we talk about finding our tribe - like minded souls bring together positive energy cycles and those energy particles group together to create impact and change. Live in fear and fear will become like a magnet - attracting only the fearful and repelling those that love. Create a society that is dominated by the fearful, and you will end up living in a state of mind and environment that reflects that.
Remember - you can do, be, have what ever it is that your mind can imagine. But that path does not come without experiencing along the way negative experiences that stop you in your tracks. When you react to that with love, however, you pick yourself up, learn and maintain your raw belief that love is the only way.
Because without it you will limit your ability to really know who you are, and to become who you want to be. It’s a very powerful choice as it will dictate how your life unfolds.
Behave with love and with love at core of all you try to do, you will open up the possibilities for yourself.
We all fall off the track and it takes time to learn this lesson, but when you say no to FEAR and those who make life smaller because of it, you will create change, and can start to flourish.
In life I truly believe there are no coincidences - things happen, choices are made often outside of your control, but the outcome and way you move forward is always your choice. Choose to move forward with love, and you will have cut the chords, let go and moved on. Become swallowed by fear and your reality will always remain small.
So when you next hear the whispers of possibility in your head - listen to them. These are the voices of encouragement, self belief, and possibility. Invite them in with love and show up with positivity - despite what may be playing out around you. It is only by learning from both the profrain and the profound that we grow.
Everything is a lesson. But you are the only creator of your life.
With love Ali x x
My new Substack, For The Curious - is a place for all those who are curious to learn more and keen to bring their own creativity to life. I hope signing up and coming on this journey with me will encourage you to seize your dreams.
As a lover of storytelling, words and images, I am excited to be able to communicate and share with you in a longer form way, as an extension to my instagram feed, and am grateful for those supporting me with a paid subscription. After having worked in interiors and many related fields for over 20 years, since leaving the corporate world, I am looking forward to sharing many of the valuable things I have learnt, and have helped me pivot since starting my own company; along with insights, learnings and creative direction, that I hope will inspire you too.
‘Surround yourself with people who choose love, and the ALCHEMY of change is powerful.’ So interesting - yesterday I wrote my Substack for next Saturday and used the word ‘alchemy’ too. We have it in our power to create a precious life.
So true! When confronted with challenges I always remind myself that life is happening FOR me not TO me. We are always the stories we tell ourselves, we control the narrative. I loved waking up to read this today Ali, a profound and beautiful reminder. Thank you.