Hello, I hope you are well and enjoying a lovely summer. It feels good to have the sunshine back! It’s been a manic few months working on some exciting new projects that I look forward to sharing soon, but it has also consumed so much of my time and head space, and I apologise for being very quiet on here, so thank you for sticking with me.
When we are in full on work mode it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how exciting the journey. And I have learnt that the need for focus is of paramount importance sometimes to just get through what needs to be done without being pulled in all directions.
It’s the same with many things in life when we all wear so many different hats in the same week - mum, wife, supporter, creative, company owner, entrepreneur, not to mention the more mundane domestic things that have to be done and the joy of hormones and ageing parents throwing curve balls unexpectedly. But if I have learnt anything over the last five years it is that at certain times when things are crazy, and coming at you from every direction you just have to be kind to yourself.
We are off soon for a week in Cornwall and I am so looking forward to a week by the sea - off grid, offline, with nothing but family to focus on. I think this space for us all is so important and as everything becomes increasingly connected my own need to disconnect a bit more is definitely something I have become very conscious of. As I am sure you are all the same. I think we charge ahead for so much of the year and often fail to realise that the down time is as important for our creative minds as the busy. The pause creates space for our heads to percolate, process and recharge and it should never be underestimated just how powerful that can be.
Potentially it may be the last summer for our beautiful dog at the seaside as he has a tumour in his nose that is growing and as an old boy we don’t want to put him through any procedures. I think it will be obvious when the time comes and for now we are making the most of him - he will love being by the sea and return to a puppy for a few hours each day swimming and then return to the house with achy legs but also a head full of happy dreams for the night ahead. Didn’t expect the emotions to be so strong for a dog - he’s our first and honestly cannot imagine life without him. So making the time count is precious.
Am sure I’m not alone in feeling like this, and it can be good to talk and acknowledge the reality of daily life, as it can provide lessons to take forward. These are my lessons so far this year - love to know yours.
The year you imagine is rarely the year you have - so go with the flow and don’t miss the opportunities if they present themselves. But also don’t beat yourself up if the ones you wanted go away. They will return stronger, bigger, better, different.
Be kind to yourself. Burning the midnight oil is sometimes necessary but sleep is imperative. Don’t sacrifice it for too long as it will take its toll.
Focusing creates clarity - it makes you recognise what’s working, what’s not, what you want to do more and what you are happy to let go of. The fluidity of that process is healthy and normal and actually essential to move forward. Evolving minds are happy minds. Don’t see it as a problem.
You don’t have to do everything yourself. When you are busy ask for help from your family or friends. They will more likely than not be happy you asked.
Take breaks - it is so important as mentioned above. Our batteries need recharging too. And we do not have superpowers even though sometimes we like to think we do.
Listen to your thoughts - what do you love, what is exciting you? When hectic I think these thoughts become very clear - listen to them and act on them as you come back out of the busy period.
With clarity comes a new drive. When you are ready to push the button again you will be ready for the right reasons.
Remember what is important - the older I get the more I realise just how precious family and friends are and those times to get together become increasingly precious.
Declutter, simplify, and pare back distractions. It’s amazing just how good that feels to create room for your ideas to multiply and go forth.
Remember each day, season and year brings different things that need your attention. If you shut down or go off radar for a while, don’t beat yourself up - it is something we all do and a vital part of being human.
Love to know what your lessons are.
Enjoy the sunshine. Much love Ali x
A beautiful post that resonates. I feel guilty that it’s summer and I’m not in holiday mode and then guilty that I’m not being as productive as usual!
Have a fabulous break in Cornwall, switching off from online and being present is highly rated for a reason. And lots of hugs to you and your dog, the emotional turmoil is the price we pay for having wonderful years and so much love from them 💙
Thank you JP - sometimes there are too many plates. So with you on a reset.
I think we have to prioritize so it stays special and we remember what’s actually important x x x 🤎