Hello, I hope this finds you really well. I am writing this to you today from the peaceful island of Menorca. Surrounded by pine trees, olive groves, the heady scent of rosemary and thyme, and the soft, rhythmic sound of warm winds rustling through. Part work, part holiday, it is good to feel my shoulders drop and to enjoy the touch of the sun - although today it is cloudy. Being away opens my mind to new possibilities and always makes me tune back in more deeply to myself and to the subtle things I call on subconsciously for help with, when immersed in projects.
In my 20s, 30s and 40s I didn’t have any notions of tuning into my higher self. I probably would have looked slightly incredulous at anyone talking to me about it. And I can imagine that for some people reading this, talk of that might make you feel uncomfortable also. Having read Elizabeth Gilbert’s book, ‘Big Magic’, some years ago - it opened my eyes and mind to the possibilities of what can happen when you let go of resistance, and start to tune in more to the forces around us that are rarely mentioned.
Mumbo jumbo for some, but those that relate to this instinctive unseen force, will understand the power that comes with listening to our inner voices, and calling out to those invisible forces, that I do truly believe are all around us waiting to help. It is abstract for sure, but I am a firm believer that ideas come to us from a wider universe. If we grab hold of them and start to make them happen through hard work and endeavour, then we can bring them to life. If we let them sit there, unloved, undiscovered, then I also believe that they will move on - to someone who is ready and eager to bring them to life.
These forces of nature that exist are often referred to as angels, as guardians, as spiritual muses who exist in another dimension - talent of the past that is there to guide us, direct us, support us.
So how does that work in reality….
In my experience the only way to invoke a muse is to set your work intentions out very clearly each day. For ideas to come you have to have a dedicated work ethic. Show up for yourself and your muses or angels will show up with you. It’s a strange concept when you first start trying this - but believe me it works. Creating a pattern of committing to work shows, and the concentration attracts ideas to come. This is dedication that does not involve ego or self absorption, but a desire to simply create for you, regardless of the outcome.
The first thing I do when I sit down to work, is to call upon my muses and angels to sit with me and to help ideas to come. It feels like paying respect to those creatives of the past, souls no longer here, but still with so much to give. I love the idea of learning and being taught, and invoking these guardians and angels, pays homage to the ideas and learnings that are still waiting to be imparted.
Sometimes when I quietly ask for help in my head, ideas arrive from nowhere - fast and furious and at that point I have to write them down as they come, or they vanish as quickly as they arrive.
Before when I had started big projects, I often wasn’t as committed as I could have been, and could easily blame other things on the reasons why ideas didn’t get off the ground. When in reality it was mostly down to my own fear or lack of belief and commitment to making them happen, distracted by every potential obstacle that I could bring to the table, ready to press self destruct on a new opportunity.
Now at the end of each work day, I always thank those that have helped me. I always say these things in my head - am sure others say it out loud. But for me it is a connection that is private and somewhat sacred. Not for open sharing but for private gratitude and thankfulness. A respect I guess for the idea that death is not the end, that people live on in other dimensions, and creativity is eternal.
The Greeks personified such muses, and made them feel human, in order to make them more believable. Some people name their own muses or angels, but for me I am never sure who is showing up - and because ego has no part to play, I feel confident that they are also happy not to be named. Simply here to act as a teacher and to guide the next generation of creatives who have things to share.
I guess really it comes down to whether or not we believe in mortality or immortality. I lost my Dad 17 years ago but know he is still around guiding me. Perhaps it is the loss of someone special that also encourages us to want to believe, in the greater good and power of forces beyond our own humanity. But either way it is a comfort, and an inspiration for me to think that are greater things at play than the often self absorbed world we find ourselves in. For me it is not a religious belief, but it is spiritual and with that comes a connection that makes me feel closer to the natural world around us, and the power of dreams and imagination.
Reaching the end of a project, inevitably means along the way you have had to sacrifice time on other experiences and sometimes time with friends, but to achieve a deadline sometimes that is what it takes, for you to stay in the zone. I am feeling like that at the moment and apologise for being quiet on here. When you get to the end stages and finally get to save the completed project and press send, it feels like you have overcome the highest of obstacles and the biggest of fears. Climbed the mountain, caught the spider, slayed the dragon, skied the black run, walked the tightrope. Whatever it is - it’s about combatting the demons, and when you evoke the help of your guardians and angels you know you are on a path, being supported quietly by those that get it. It may sound a bit far fetched but I do believe it to be true. I’m not there yet and have more months ahead of hard work, but I know the feeling that is waiting, and it makes me push on.
Does this all sound outlandish to you? If it does I urge you to try to invoke your own angels and to see just how powerful it can be. I for one am inspired by the timelessness of creativity and wherever, whenever those forces come to us, I am grateful, intrigued and inspired. For me, being part of a world that believes in the eternity of ideas, is comforting.
When you immerse your thoughts in your ‘Self’ our muses seem to connect. Define yourself by your ‘Ego’ and fear, resistance and doubt will always be at your side. Whether we perceive it as something higher than ourselves - spiritual, magical, godly, other worldly - it has all of my respect and I for one am happy to pay tribute to that every time I open or close my Mac or physical notebook, at the start/end of each day.
Wishing you a gorgeous Sunday. With much love Ali x x
As a lover of storytelling, words and images, I am excited to be able to communicate and share with you in a longer form way, as an extension to my instagram feed, and am grateful for those supporting me with a paid subscription. After having worked in interiors and many related fields for over 20 years, since leaving the corporate world, I am looking forward to sharing many of the valuable things I have learnt, and have helped me pivot since starting my own company; along with insights, learnings and creative direction, that I hope will inspire you too.
This is really inspiring, thank you! I think a special force was guiding me today when I came across your book at a store here in Sacramento, California and bought it on a whim, unfamiliar with who Ali Heath is. From there I found your IG and substack and so glad I have! I’m working on some home projects and your approach is really resonating. Xo