Thank you so much for signing up as a paid subscriber, it means a lot. I hope this mini workbook helps you get started on a new project at home. I am currently working on the renovation and extension of a really exciting Georgian farmhouse project for a lovely client, and understand how easy it can be to feel overwhelmed by all there is to achieve, when creating something from scratch. Take simple steps and never stop believing in your abilities. It takes time to get things right but the effort will most certainly end up in reward when you devote the energy. Have fun creating and live your dream!
Have a lovely evening. And happy planning if you have home ideas in the making.
Ali x x
My new Substack, For The Curious - is a place for all those who are curious to learn more and keen to bring their own creativity to life. I hope signing up and coming on this journey with me will encourage you to seize your dreams.
As a lover of storytelling, words and images, I am excited to be able to communicate and share with you in a longer form way, as an extension to my instagram feed, and am grateful for those supporting me with a paid subscription. After having worked in interiors and many related fields for over 20 years, since leaving the corporate world, I am looking forward to sharing many of the valuable things I have learnt, and have helped me pivot since starting my own company; along with insights, learnings and creative direction, that I hope will inspire you too.
This is such a brilliant idea Ali! X
This is so useful. Thanks, Ali.